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Hey Friends,

It has been awhile. So sorry… I could make the excuse that I have been extremely busy but let me just say I literally did not know what to write about. I had no words. I have been experiencing God’s unconditional love and it left me speechless. Feeling so far away from God to him having the knowledge of what I needed the last few months gave me this indescribable feeling.

As the past three months have flown by, I simply want to list experiences where God was prevalent and knew exactly what I needed.

Christmas – There is nothing quite like going home and being with family. As I spent four days at home, my heart was overflowing. I did not think I missed my family as much as I did. Going home left me feeling replenished and ready to go back to reality of work, busyness, and the constant reliability my clients have.

Ebenezers – This is a Christian coffee shop in Washington DC. If you have heard of Mark Batterson or read his books you have probably heard of this coffee shop. It is easy for me to spend hours there doing homework, work or simply just talking with friends. One Saturday, I sat with a friend talking about past events, triggers, current events and basically life in general. We laughed. We cried. We reminisced. God knew I needed this moment to move forward in life. He knew I needed her to fly to the nations capital for the weekend and come to a realization that so deeply affected me.

Instagram Fast – Am I the only one who goes a little over board on social media? I never realized how engulfed I was in this app until the end of the year when I was constantly on it. I began checking someones profile more than once a day and comparing my self to other personnel. It became something that consumed my free time and would make me question my self worth. In January, I deleted the app and took a month to refocus my priorities. I had more time to spend on things that matter and FINALLY realized that continuously checking someones profile was not going to help me move on. While I had this break I was able to spend more time with God and find my worth in him and not in the likes on the gram.

Children of the Day- Ladies if you have not done this devotional, I highly recommend it. It is a study on Thessalonians and requires you to think in-depth on how the events within the bible apply to your own life. I have yet to finish but its good…real good. If it was not for my squadmates picking this study I would not be thinking so critically about my identity in Christ.

Burnout- I hate to say it but I experienced a little burnout at work…or compassion fatigue as my Executive Director referred to it as. I sat in my supervisor’s office crying and not knowing why. God showed me that I needed to work through past events if I am going to continue in this field. Through this and a series at church I realized that there is a huge difference between self care and soul care. God showed me these areas where development was required for me to fill my cup so I would be able to fill others.

Small Group- One Sunday after church I saw some people in my small group and they had asked where I had been. I strongly believe in spiritual meetings. It sometimes takes that one person who reaches out to you, asks how you have been and recognizes you have not been there that makes you feel so welcome. In meeting with him, I went back to small group which just caused so much more fulfillment in this walk with Jesus Christ.

The Intern- God brings people in your life you need. Let me tell you, after feeling burnt out, out of place at work, over Washington DC and my relationship deteriorating with God, he brought an intern to my work that just gets me. With a few months left in the district I have had the ability to do “all things DC”, process through things at work, talk about sermons at church and simply live life with this beautiful soul.

CSC- I know it might seem like I talk about work often but work is where I spend most of my time. I find God often in my daily work. Whether thats in the bed bug infested home, or the young lady who just left an abusive relationship, I find Gods presence there. I was contemplating how to tell my ED that I was leaving on an 11 month mission trip. With the help of a colleague, I sat in my ED’s office explaining what was happening. I was shaking, crying and scared at the response I might receive. I am sure you can imagine all the ways it could have went but I received a hug, a talk about self care and how she would like to have lunch with me in regards to spiritual growth. God has not only placed an amazing agency in my life but some coworkers that love God and challenge my walk.

Hiking Shenandoah- In a city that is so busy, it is good to get away. I cannot believe I am saying this but I have turned into a complete city girl. Leaving a place full of people, always on the go and going into a place where there is fields, mountains and barely anyone was more difficult than it usually is for me. I learned that being on a schedule with specific times is something I have become consumed in. I had a specific time I wanted to leave, a time to begin hiking, a time to reach the top and I needed to be home by 5:00pm. Yeah as the hike continued I realized how ridiculous that was. Here I was enjoying the life that I usually do not have but still needed things to be scheduled. I don’t know if you have ever stood at the top of a mountain and looked out but for me thats when I have no doubts in the world that we have an amazing creator. Nature is my favorite art work.

The book of Nehemiah- You all might know but let me tell you, this is a good book in the bible. We often focus on the New Testament but my church has recently taken this book and made it into a series. Last week we talked about Nehemiah seeking Gods favor. We talked about mutually discerning Gods calling, paying attention to the details and that Gods timing matters. I left church with all types of feels. My pastor stated “just because its Gods will, does not mean its Gods timing.” I got choked up over this. I never really took in the consideration that the timing has to match Gods will too. Whenever I experience a sign from God, I automatically assume its time. This was one of those moments where the Holy Spirit was present.

As I leave Washington DC on May 31st, attend training camp on June 7th, and leave the country on August 3rd, I am spiritually growing and preparing for this amazing journey God has called me on. 

Will you continue praying for my squad and prayerfully consider donating to My World Race. I have two months until my $5,000 deadline (May 15th). 

Fundraising Opportunities:

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Love you guys!!