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Dear Mom and Dad,

So it has been a year since your daughter accepted and announced going on an 11 month mission trip to 11 different countries. I remember the first time telling you about it. Mom, you wanted me to think about it and really see how realistic it was. Dad, you told me you would pray about it. Uneasy, yet knowing God had called me to go out. It has been a year of getting as much quality time before your baby girl flew across the world. A year of preparation spiritually and emotionally.

I remember our last hug in August. Crying and shaking because I was so scared. Scared of flying across the world because even though I fly often we all know I get anxiety every time. Scared of spending the year with 41 strangers I had only spent 10 previous days with and them not knowing who I truly was. Scared that when I needed support I would not have anyone to turn to.

I cannot even imagine though. The brave face you put on for me. The money you helped me raise just to watch me leave for a year. The friends, coworkers and other family members you had conversations with just to help you process and pray you through the crazy decision your daughter made.

I wish I had the words though. The words to explain how thankful I am for you. The support you have literally showed me every single day of my life. Whether it was challenging/disciplining me when I was off track or being there through tears and celebrations. You never abandoned me. You continuously loved me through it all and for that I am beyond thankful.

So now I am three months through this race and I just have to tell you, thank you. Thank you for being there. Thank you for continuing to support me through this even though it affects you. It has been the best decision of my life.

Those fears I had when I said good bye are simply gone. Okay yeah, still not a huge fan of flying but I only had one anxiety attack from Europe to Asia so I’d say it is a huge improvement. Those 41 strangers I was talking about are now brothers and sisters in Christ. The people I can be myself around. The ones I cry and laugh with every day. The ones who see my blind spots and call me higher. Yeah, they saw my patience problem in month one so theres that.

My team is literally the perfect balance of sass and fun. We have our obstacles but they are my girls. The girls I pray with, eat every meal with and experience all the cultures, travel days and Gods presence with. They get me and love ice cream and coffee as much as I do. They call me out when I am being too Type A and when I need to just take a break.

Now here we are with three months finished and God called me to a Family Fast for November. Some people do these fasts because their family brings them down or have negative affects on their World Race experience. I need you to know this is not the case whatsoever. I remember back in DC, Jisoo told me that I seem the happiest when I am with or talking to my family. I cannot disagree. You make life easier. More bright. This fast is simply what God called me to do month four. Focus on community. Being fully present with my team. No face time dates. No text messages or phone calls back home. Just my team and the people around me.

I know it does not make a lot of sense but we have a God that does not always make sense to us in the here in now. Thank you for understanding this call. Thank you for loving me and being there from thousands of miles away. Happy Thanksgiving. I’ll catch you on December 1st.

                                                                               Love your baby girl

3 responses to “Dear Mom and Dad”

  1. As I read the blog that you wrote to your Dad and I, tears are streaming down my face! I will say they are tears of missing you, tears of joy and happiness for you and tears of how proud I am of you in every way! I am proud that you listen to God and do what he has called you to do. Oh and I would definitely agree this has been the best decision in your life! All of us can see how much you are experiencing, your growth as you become closer to God and are able to serve those in need and how you have truly found yourself 🙂

    This month will be a great month for you and your team. Be strong, safe and take care of yourself and know that you will be missed and Happy Thanksgiving to you too. As your Sister said, you might want to clear the day for December 1st because your family will be in line to visit with you 🙂

    Love you so much!

  2. What a priceless blog! I feel like I’ve stepped into a private conversation but am not sorry I did! Brittany, you are so blessed to have a great relationship with your parents. Continue to Protect and nurture that, not everyone is blessed with those parental relationships. And yay for you for listening to the Lord!! Oft times we all choose to act like we don’t hear the Lord because We don’t want to be obedient…it’s too stressful or difficult! But you listened and responded….God has honored and blessed that. You have a great world race Family!! Thank you for sayin “Yes, Lord!” The squad wouldn’t be complete without you!!!

  3. What a blessing, Brit! These are treasured words for you and your parents. I have no doubt, you all will be reading this blog numerous times this month : )