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Yesterday morning I woke up and instantly knew I needed to put my head phones in and spend time with the Lord. Where we are staying has a nice outside area with picnic tables and I have somehow found a safe place surrounded by all the others in their quiet time. I had an hour left until ministry began and I broke down in tears.

“Madie I feel like I am drowning I don’t know what to do.”

“Stay back if you need to. They don’t need you. You need to be well.”

I found a secret place to cry with the Lord and afterwards felt the urge to go to ministry.

Piling into a small SUV I took the trunk and sat looking at the most beautiful views of the mountains. Our car parked and we walked 10 more minutes, heavily breathing from the elevation change and looking to the left where the landscape was filled with hills and valleys.I was reminded of my favorite country Lesotho that had similar views and I began to smile.

Internally thanking the Lord for making me come. Thanking him for the simple reminder that he creates beautiful things. He orchestrates every day. Those valleys teach us more than we know even if it feels like suffering. Those hills are full of celebration. They both, are something to be grateful for.

As we make the climb a little school is tucked in the trees to the left of the dirt road. Each child running out greeting us with hugs and “hola”. We walk to the back of the school where a small cement room is surrounded with benches. The children sit and we hand out a craft that essentially is Jesus and the manger. Quietly a little boy stares at me and we communicate in broken spanish. I find out Adrian is 5 years old and wants help with his craft. We sit, putting stickers on and he continuously smiles at me…then his craft….then back at me. That sweet boy found the greatest joy in a styrofoam craft and a helping hand. As we sat, I thanked the Lord for Adrian. I saw Jesus smiling and reminding me that even in the valleys He is right there protecting, but also sifting me.



2 responses to “The Light In Adrian”

  1. Thank God for Adrian, and Gods many ways of communicating His presence through our pain! Love you Brit

  2. Thank the Lord for both of you! Brittany you such a blessing to so many! I love to read your updates. I will pray for comfort for you Brittany?